Jim Piavis
As a recreational and technical diver, to include closed-circuit rebreathers, there's a strong interest in underwater photography and the creatures inhabiting our water. Most of my diving is in the Seattle area with trips to warmer locations at times including Florida, Hawaii, Caribbean, and South Pacific. I started diving in college, getting PADI Open Water in 1984 enduring the cold and back waters of South Carolina rivers while searching for Meg teeth. With some diving in Southern California, most diving has been in the Seattle area with certifications up to PADI MSDT, sidemount, and CCR tri-mix to 200'. My camera has been a Sony RX100 MKI with basic Ikelite housing and a YS-D1 and YS-D3 strobes, but recently have upgraded to a Sony A7C, NA-A7C housing, with various lens and ports, CMC diopters, and same strobes.